Things You Can Do To Prepare For Labor

6 Things You Can Start Now To Prepare For Labor – Bumpdated

“I’m worried I don’t have enough time to prepare for my birth, or that I’m not doing enough”

Let me start by saying these thoughts are 100% normal. But they are not true. You can start preparing now, no matter how far along you are. It will help!

Things you can start now matter how long you are in your pregnancy:

💫 Breathing – if there was only one thing I could teach you during pregnancy it would be diaphragmatic breath!

💫pelvic floor strength: are you practicing strengthening and relaxing your pelvic floor? Your pelvic floor needs to be able to do both to be strong!

💫 core strength: do you know how to engage your core properly (*hint it’s not suck your belly button to spine) are you practicing strengthening your core and regulating pressure with in it?

💫 posture: are your hips stacked under ribs? Hip positioning can affect back pain . Are your shoulders down and relaxed?

💫 affirmations: are you being kind to yourself? Are you constantly thinking about what could go wrong, or what might not happen? Change your thoughts! Instead of saying “I’m not doing enough to prepare” say “my body is built for birth, and I’m doing all that I can to prepare”

💫nutrition: are your drinking enough water, eating vegetables?

🛑This list may be overwhelming! Don’t let it be! Pick one or two that resonate best with you and practice those until you give birth 🖤

You got this mama 👊

Follow for more pregnancy & birth tips @hellofitmamas

Photo found on People Magazine- Pictured – Kourtney Kardashian


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