Category Archives: News

I Need A New Kidney. My Daughter Wants To Give Me Hers — But How Can I Accept It?

Liza dancing with the family's dog, Penny.

I slide closer to Liza, my only daughter, sitting on the cream chenille sofa as she explains she wants to donate her kidney to me. The knot in my gut tightens. My maternal instincts rise like an emotional geyser. It’s cozy in the house, but a cold January sky tops snowy evergreens beyond the window. […]

The 1 Thing A Good Therapist Will Never, Ever Do

There are rare cases when a therapist might intervene if your health or safety is at risk, but for the most part they should be guiding you rather than explicitly instructing you.

Counseling sessions can feel like a heart-to-heart with a close friend — a friend who won’t see you outside their office and is totally OK with trauma-dumping. But unlike get-togethers with a bestie who will drink wine and offer (sometimes unsolicited) life advice, your therapist should be more focused on empowering you. In fact, there’s […]

Gen Z Leaves Their Phone On ‘Do Not Disturb’ All Day, And The Reason Why Is Pretty Smart

On TikTok, Gen Z'ers vouch for how much more peaceful their lives are now that they've enabled the DND setting on their phone.

As a preteen, I couldn’t resist the siren song of AIM, or AOL Instant Messenger. I’d hear that “door opening” noise or a message notification and rush to my computer, eager to see if the sign-on was my best friend or my boyfriend, both who were equally tethered to AIM at the time. (Naturally, all […]

The Perimenopause Symptom We Don’t Talk About Nearly Enough

Mild to moderate movement, including strength training, can help with cognitive symptoms of perimenopause.

If your mood fluctuations feel less like your usual stress and anxiety and more like the beginnings of a villain origin story (and you’re also experiencing symptoms like insomnia and feeling warmer than usual), it could be the beginning stages of perimenopause. This is what doctors call the transition to menopause, which is the end […]

This Sex Position Reliably Gets Women Off, And You May Not Have Heard Of It

The “coital alignment technique,” aka CAT.

You’ve probably heard of the orgasm gap: in heterosexual relationships, women statistically have fewer orgasms than men. Much can — and should! — be done to improve that, starting with a better understanding of what your partner needs to reliably get off. A good place to start is upgrading your go-to bedroom moves. Take the […]

‘Dead Butt Syndrome’ Is A Real Thing. Here’s How To Tell If You Have It.

Are you a victim of 'dead butt syndrome' from sitting all day?

The perils of prolonged sitting have well been established. It can boost your chances of developing everything from heart disease to cancer and diabetes, and can even take years off your life. But there’s one side effect that you may not have realized is linked to parking your tush in a desk chair all day. […]