To no one’s delight, the hours after work regularly zoom by. Before you know it, you’re back at your desk and gearing up for another eight-hour workday. In other words, the time between work and bed is short and is often full of responsibilities and to-dos that aren’t very exciting. “It’s a sacred part of […]
Category Archives: News
It can be alarming to realize you’ve been having hip pain for a bit too long. After all, most people know someone who has had a hip replacement, and it’s easy to conclude that’s the only fix. According to the American College of Rheumatology, 544,000 hip replacements are done every year in the United States, […]
“If you see someone sitting by themselves at lunch, invite them to your table,” I told my boys when they each began elementary school. “If you notice someone being bullied, say something kind and then tell a teacher.” From the moment my sons were born, my most important job as their mother was to shape […]
It’s evident now more than ever how our consumer choices and lifestyle decisions have significant and lingering effects on the environment and the precarious ecological system on which we depend. Images of oceans packed with more plastic than fish, communities devastated by natural disasters and landscapes scorched by record temperatures are visual representations of action […]
There’s one thing that all chefs seem to agree on when it comes to cooking Thanksgiving dinner: there’s always a lot to do, so finding ways to save time is just as important as settling on the right menu. “You have to plan in advance,” said chef Jake Cohen, author of the cookbook ”Jew-ish.” “There […]
It’s likely that you might have taken your health for granted in early adulthood. Maybe you could run a quick mile or stand on your feet all day long at a theme park. However, as you age, you may notice that your body doesn’t usually work as well as it used to. For example, after […]
“I think the most financially irresponsible thing I’ve done is get my kids to like sushi.” Read more
If you snore, chances are you’re well aware of it. That’s either because your partner has probably given you a shove in the middle of the night, asking you to roll over or fix your pillows, or perhaps you’ve woken yourself up from the noise. There are a few different types of sleep apnea: obstructive, […]
As most parents know, there are a lot of toys out there, and the really good ones are shockingly hard to find. Some toys make bold promises on the box and end up breaking easily, or maybe your child just loses interest in them quickly. Whatever the case, we’ve compiled an extensive list of some […]
If you’re a human living on this planet, you’ve likely experienced a full-body shiver when remembering an embarrassing thing you did. Maybe you’ve even uttered the phrase “why did I say that?” many months after an awkward interaction. On social media and online, this experience is sometimes referred to as a “cringe attack,” which can […]