For nearly a year, the lives of children in the United States, and around the world, have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority still aren’t back in school full-time. About 30% of K-12 students remain fully remote, while another 26% are following a hybrid schedule, which means all of their typical […]
Category Archives: News
The term “self-care” tends to evoke images of bubble baths, scented candles, long walks and restorative meditations. But it looks a little bit different for parents. The funny child-rearers of Twitter have shared their approaches to self-care, from hiding in attics to drinking champagne for breakfast. In honor of their … creativity, we’ve rounded up […]
Ever since the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were approved in December, it feels like each day brings more good news about the coronavirus shots. The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines appear to be just as effective in the real world as they were in trials, and it’s looking more and more like people who contract the […]
“My kid’s doctor kit includes a stethoscope, an otoscope, a syringe, and like 9 dolphins” Read more
Not only is long-haul COVID-19 (now clinically known as Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2, or PASC) incredibly debilitating, experiencing a health condition that didn’t exist in the recent past can be pretty isolating. Living with long-haul COVID means someone might feel good one day only for the symptoms to hurl them back onto bedrest the […]
Growing up in the ’90s, Jessica Sprengle could name all the big fad diets of the day: Weight Watchers, Atkins, the South Beach diet, SlimFast ― you name it, her parents and other family members had tried it. Offhand comments about bodies, both hers and their own, were often made in her house, and weight […]
Parents everywhere face a mother lode of work, especially now. I get it. At my corner desk nestled in the front room, I’m bombarded by hungry faces every 90 minutes. I’m torn between being a short-order cook, making snacks and lunches for my totally capable tweens, and yelling, “Go get your own damn snacks!” The […]
In recent years, some companies have started encouraging their employees to take mental health, self-care or wellness days off of work. Even companies that don’t officially designate time off for mental well-being may allow workers to use personal days, sick days or other paid time off for such reasons. (And the sad reality is that […]
Parents may have the best of intentions when it comes to raising children who understand the importance of representation and who embrace diversity, but the window they have to fundamentally shape their values and beliefs before biases start to form is startlingly brief. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), by age 2 children […]
Americans generally feel pretty tired and rundown. And the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has upended our daily routines for nearly a year now, certainly has not helped. But developing morning habits that leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day is possible, even amid an ongoing global health crisis. (Provided, […]