Attention, Parents: These Wake-up Clocks For Kids Might Save Your Sleep

Attention, Parents: These Wake-up Clocks For Kids Might Save Your Sleep

When you’re a soon-to-be first-time parent, everyone loves to remind you that transitioning into new parenthood also means transitioning into some new sleep habits — in other words, that peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep your sanity depends upon may soon be a thing of the past.

What everyone doesn’t tell you is this new “phase” can often last well beyond infancy and into the toddler years. Sleep habits also tend to ebb and flow throughout childhood, with developmental milestones, illnesses, and travel turning a kid’s sleep patterns upside down — which, naturally, can have a trickle-down effect on parents.

The struggle is real, and can seem endless to an exhausted mom or dad. Thankfully, we’ve found a slew of digital devices — all of which are a click away at Target — to ease the pain and speed the process. Many parents swear by these “ok-to-wake” clocks or nightlights that change color at a certain morning hour, signaling to a child that it’s time to get out of bed (and wake any sleeping adults).

From customizable sound machines to programmable, color-changing alarm clocks, the devices ahead are designed to help kids of all ages develop and maintain sleep habits that benefit the whole family. Read on for ways to say “goodnight” to a bad night’s sleep.

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